Friday, December 17, 2010

Link time! Garden over Eating, olive, revenue loss of 100 books and much more


If you enjoyed our recent article on how to avoid overdoing it this period of festivities, then you're not alone as over-eat temptations abound this time of year. brings us some other major strategies on how to avoid the trap of Eating Over. This is enjoying the holiday food, we all love, but with moderation.

Eating is extremely popular this time of year and if you want to make these delicious recipes restaurant at home, but perhaps more healthy manner, discover CopyKat recipes. This great recipe site teaches you how to reproduce your favourite restaurant.

A brand new site just launched last week is the ranking of America's health. This huge site data shows stats on how your country is almost everything. If you're figures and statistics and then it will be your dream.

Finally, this week, if you think losing weight come January 1, I found this great article, 101 reflections on loss of £ 100. Steve, who writes the blog bripblap, shares his thoughts on how he was able to lose weight. Without any doubt a value for a reading.

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United States Sweet potatoes all the rage in Europe


Britain gave us Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, so now we return the favor... send the Brits all our potatoes.

While the dollar sinks deeper into the toilet, sweet potato, between 2005 and 2009, u.s. exports have more than doubled, reaching $ 51.4 million. Britain is the major buyer.

IEA, I can't picture our sophisticated sipping tea neighbouring East, cooking until these sweet sickening with marshmallows on top. My Word!

American potatoes became very popular in Europe. Ireland - Yes, of the Holy Land of crutches - potato imports from the United States Ireland are up to $125,000. Not much? It was zero in 2005.

Southern people laugh at this, but since long supermarkets in Europe brand potato vegetable "exotic" Then, why potato Mania now took Europe by storm? The answer is kind of funny.

Food safety is a big in Europe, and size issues. Fortunately new equipment has helped us farmers grow more uniform looks sweet, makes them more acceptable to the European standards. Just like the Brits so concerns follow appearances.

North - Carolina sweetpotato Commission really, there is actually a potato - commission says increased marketing efforts and promotions in European supermarkets have also increased demand from abroad.

I am pleased to see this. I think that good relations between countries trade is necessary for global prosperity. Potatoes are so good, they are one of my food preferred; baked, grilled, fried, French whatever! Simply with marshmallows, it is a mental illness. Sorry.

Now, if you want to add a class to your holiday meal and not suspending Puft Marshmallow Man, try potato recipe for Mama Pugliese.

Sweet potatoes with maple syrup

3-4 sweet potatoes, cut into 1-inch thick slices
1/4 cup natural maple syrup
milk soy or almond 2 tbsp
1/4 teaspoons cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, pepper the Jamaica
Sprinkle with salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray with non-stick baking dish. Add all ingredients in a dish in the oven. Mix well to mix and coat the potatoes. Cover and cook for 20 minutes. Discover, gently turn and continue cooking for a further 20 minutes, or until the fork-tender.

Image credit: DisneyLiving

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Link time! Fitness gifts and much more


Much of the Western world is to buy holiday gifts and can be difficult to determine what to buy. has just published their fitness holiday gift guide which can be used as an excellent resource for shopping for your family fitness buff. However, use caution when you buy these gifts for others, as they could be taken as an unwelcome indicator by family members who have a few pounds to lose.

If you are looking for gifts for small children or soon to be parents, I just found about children cute Glenn Losack MD book called Bearly Fit by award-winning photographer Book humor and a lot of photographs encourage parents and their children to reflect on how to be healthy and to make informed choices.

Finally this week, if you are looking for suggestions healthy recipe help keep you on track for the holiday season, check out a (World Healthiest Foods). They offer a fresh recipe Wizard allows to choose healthy foods and then he built a healthy recipe for you including the selected food.

Image credit: Committee Indo

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Total us obese up 42 %


It is not the bubonic plague and you get burgers, step blood thirst, rats but the United States is double-chin deep in an epidemic of obesity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of United States, obesity has increased considerably over the last 20 years. Only the Colorado and the district of Columbia have a rate of obesity less than 20%.

But researchers today total obesity in the United States reach 42%.

Published in the journal public library of science scientific PLoS Computational Biology predict the number of obese people to United States for "top out", 42% for the next 40 years. Up to 8% compared to 34% 2007 prediction.

Obesity is defined as an index of Bodymass index (BMI) greater than 30.

For the study, a mathematical model was applied to four decades of data obtained from the Framingham study. study long-term bearing on the health and lifestyle of almost an entire town in Massachusetts.

Data also found an association between obesity and the friends you keep. Researchers say an American has an additional 0.5% chance of becoming obese with every obese social contact, i.e. the friend, they do every year.

The severity of obesity in the United States varies from one State to another. CDC data shows Southern States tend to be the fattest.


Obesity is taking a toll on the economy too. CDC data puts the total cost associated with obesity at 92.6 billion health care spending. IEA, buy lots of hamburgers and French fries... with a diet coke course.

Image credit: mind surf

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Body 4 hours by Tim Ferriss

 If you know the success of Tim Ferriss 4-hour work week was, you will be thrilled by the release of his latest book, the 4-hour body.
It has been described as the result of an obsessive quest, spanning more than a decade, hacking the human body. And it contains the collective wisdom of high-level physicians athletes and thousands of hours of personal experimentation.
What I love immediately on the Organization of 4 hours, it promises to teach in less than 30 minutes each on the habits of most of us would like to improve. With so going on in our lives, the idea of new skills in a short period of time to appeal.
Tim made a number of statements in bold in his book, including how you can:
Lose those last few pounds of 5-10 (or 100 + pounds) with strange combinations of food and gain fat cocktails.Prevent chemical safe fat loss bingeing.Increase 300% with a few bags of ice while. Sleep 2 hours per day and to feel fully rested.Go run 5 km 50 km 12 150 weeks.Add + books for your lifts in 6 months.And also how he acquired books 34 muscle in 28 days, without steroids and four hours total gym.
One of these sounds farfetched for you?
As I said earlier, the book contains data Tim personal experimentation and also data from hundreds of men and women who have used these techniques over a period of two years.
Some of the things that intrigued me about the content:
Ferriss says that if you pass usually two hours at the gym, several times a week, you can get results similar or better, in a second 80 very targeted by muscle group.He also spoke of his simple food called "The Slow-Carb diet," for anyone needing a simple plan to improve their health and that give quick results. According to Tim, many of its participants have lost more than 20 pounds in the first month.
I know, that looks like lot of weight to lose in a month. But then restored agree on new research published in International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, which suggests that the rapid weight loss was more benefits in the short and long term as slow weight loss.
Tim says,
do not read this book from start to finish... Most people won't need more than 150 pages to reinvent itself. Choose an objective appearance and objective performance of starting
For most people, lifestyle change can be quite difficult. Thus, the idea that you can change the bad habits, a step at a time, making this approach feel more feasible.
Discover the official Movie 4 hours - Trailer body:

4-Hour body is available on Amazon for $15.
Is the book you are interested in?

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Only a little bit of weight gain of the incidence of stress


I hate stress. And I am a mental case I manage very well. Lots of junk food, shouting people and watch the planes, trains and automobiles on loop.

Stress can wreak havoc on your body. Common symptoms of chronic stress include headache, insomnia, depression, high blood pressure, irritability, and I always thought gain weight was a risk too.

But according to a new study stress has only a minor impact on weight gain.

The study, published in the journal obesity, scientific examined data from previous studies 32 on body weight and stress and discovered that the majority of research has revealed no association between people's stress levels and their weight gain several years later.

Researchers evaluated studies conducted between the years 1990 and 2000 investigated levels of stress of individuals in relation to weight gain.

Among the studies, 69% found no clear association between levels of stress and weight gain, levels of stress high 25% related to an increase in weight gain and 6% showed stress is related to the lesser gain weight over time.

After grouping together all studies, a modest relationship was found between the global stress and weight gain. But the researchers that the effect of stress on the weight may vary from one person to another, especially in the examination of different types of stress. such as stress at work, compared to the stress of life.

For me, it is a personality thing. Some people are just flawless. I strained and choppy, but my brother is cool as a cucumber. Although he has eaten his boogers as a kid, so I'm still better!

Image credit: South Park Studios

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